ZARA in Amsterdam
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Wat je niet kunt ruilen of retourneren zijnHet geld ontvang binnen circa 10-14 dagen (afhankelijk van je bank) terug
Zara Alkmaar: Langestraat 3-5
Zara Almere: Citadel 7
Zara Amersfoort: Langestraat 50
Zara Amsterdam: Kalverstraat 66-72
Zara Amsterdam: Nieuwendijk 196
Zara Amstelveen: Binnenhof 1
Zara Apeldoorn: Hoofdstraat 75
Zara Arnhem: Ketelstraat 21-23
Zara Breda: Eindstraat 26
Zara Den Bosch: Schapenmarkt 7-19
Zara Den Haag: Wagenstraat 109
Zara Eindhoven: Piazza 18
Zara Enschede: De Klomp 1
Zara Groningen: Herestraat 83
Zara Haarlem: Grote Houtstraat 93
Zara Hilversum: Groest 86
Zara Hoofddorp: Marktlaan 1-4
Zara Maastricht: Grote Staat 38
Zara Nijmegen: Broerstraat 78-80
Zara Rotterdam: Beursplein 8
Zara Rotterdam: Binnenwegplein 31
Zara Rotterdam: Poolsterstraat 84
Zara Tilburg: Pieter Vreedeplein 85
Zara Utrecht: Oudegracht 151
Zara Utrecht: Hollandse Toren 89
Zara Veenendaal: Hoofdstraat 47-51
108 Reviews Plaats review
Peter vliegen
|Het is al TE belachelijk voor woorden dat het personeel niet eens Nederlands spreekt!!!!! Ik BEN Nederlandse en zij wonen blijkbaar in Nederland en werken er... je kunt je klanten niet eens te woord staan!
Daarbij wil ik een jurkje kopen maar het diefstal label is zodanig bevestigd dat het jurkje trekt. Op de vraag of deze even losgemaakt kon worden (uiteraard in het Engels) zeiden de dames dat het niet aan Ger label lag... nou wel degelijk!!!!! Het was de laatste dus kon helaas geen andere proberen. Klaar mee nooit meer Zara Amsterdam.
|I love Zara! I look forward to visiting all the time because of niceky styled and quality clothes, shoes and bags. I always go out of the store with a purchase, every single time! Happy!
not till yesterday, I had the worst shop experienece in the store in Kalverstraat Amsterdam. I went there with my 2 month old baby, then he started crying coz he wants to feed! And since there is no seat (to breastfeed) near me I approached a staff and ask of where can I find a place to breastfeed. He answered rudely, “there is no such place here!” Disappointed, with my screaming baby I went to the fitting section, I approached the woman incharge with the fitting rooms and asked if I could use 1 of the rooms to breast feed, since it wasnt that busy anyway, and she said with a long face “ you could better ask my other colleagues if you can use our staff toilet to do that” . I was shocked and saddened by these people being so rude and inconsiderate. I was able to calm my baby down. So I made the purchase and vent on the cashier hoping she will be more sympathetic, but all she said is “ you better breast feed in Mcdonalds opposite the street” hah! WT* Zara! You seriously need to give your staff some customer service training! That store needs some serious evaluation, stuffs are just so rude and unfriendly. I have never felt so descriminated in my entire life! Very very disappointed. I am just a mom with a baby trying to destress myself through shopping. And being treated like you do not have the right to feed your child is the last thing that I needed!
|The worst service and terrible attitude. Went there with my damaged coat that I got online and the manager was angry at me like it was my fault and the girl on the counter didn't even understand what I wanted and arranged the coat to be returned without having another M size to give me. I told her i need this one back she told me that now is returned and she cannot undo! I've been to Zara all over the world but after this never again. There are little stores where they actually respect you as a client
Klant van ZARA
|Prachtige kleding. Enige nadeel vind ik dat de tafels met sale kleding vaak een grote bende zijn. Dit maakt het minder uitnodigend daar te kijken.